Avatar elements series#
Note that Shyamalan pronounced Toph the same as the series in the audio of the roundtable discussion. Most of the name pronunciations of the characters were kept except for Aang (ɑːŋ), Sokka (Sōka), Iroh (ɪˈroʊ), Avatar (ɑvɑtɑr), and Agni kī Duel (अग्नि की डूएल).In the movie, Aang achieved his Master status after being able to meditate for long periods of time without losing focus. Aang's arrow was included but as form of an intricate tattoo, received after achieving the Master status.In a deleted scene, he was shown to be an adept fighter, which suggested why Pakku accepted Sokka's offer to guard Yue at all times. He had some funny moments but more serious, level-headed, and responsible. Sokka's characterization was closer to his depiction in the unaired pilot, and in the episode " Jet".Rather than protecting the Kyoshi Island from intruders, they took over the roles for Jet and the Freedom Fighters. Their costumes and weapons were similar but without the face paint.

The scenes for Suki and her Kyoshi Warriors were shot but moved to the sequel, although we can see them in behind-the-scenes featurettes, glimpses of them in the deleted scenes, and their story was still in the novelization.Aang, Katara, and Sokka, for the hero side.9 "Winter Solstice, Part 2: Avatar Roku".8 "Winter Solstice, Part 1: The Spirit World".