Thror king under the mountain
Thror king under the mountain

thror king under the mountain

However, once the dwarves had finished their craftsmanship, they were so taken with the results and how beautiful the item they had made was, that they refused to return it, claiming that it was rightfully theirs because it was dwarven made. In fact, the light of Earendil, the phial that is gifted by Galdriel, that brave Sam uses in his battle against Shelob, is also thought to be the most beloved star because it contains remnants of a Silmaril, and proof of their undying beauty. So taken was he with the magnanimity of the jewels, that he took it to the best dwarven smiths in the land, and ordered them to set the stone into a necklace, so that he might wear it about his neck and be the envy of all. The quest didn’t end well for Beren, but Thingol later got his hands on a Silmaril nonetheless. This is how Beren, who was madly in love with Luthien, Thingol’s only daughter, ended up on a quest to retrieve a Silmaril, in exchange for permission to marry his chosen one. Now these gems were coveted by a powerful elven king by the name of Thingol, who demanded that the Silmaril’s be brought to him at any cost.

thror king under the mountain thror king under the mountain

They are a pure kind of magic, as tempting as the One Ring of Power is in it’s own dark magic, and as powerful as the magic of the Palantir. They were stunning beyond belief, and held such allure that races would go to war over them. They were made by Feanor, a Noldorian elf, from the magic of the two white trees of Middle Earth. Any Tolkien fans who have read The Silmarillion will know that the Silmarils are 3 very rare and very powerful, and are not fit for the touch of mortal beings. The first theory is that the White Gems are actually symbolic of the Silmarils. But why were these particular jewels so precious, and why did they start the bad blood between Legolas and Thorin's ancestors? There are two interesting answers, and both have to do with events long before The Hobbit. In this, they do not refer to the Arkenstone, but to the White Gems of Lasgalen, the beautiful glittering necklace depicted in the movies. The dwarves believe the elves refuse to pay recompense and respect, and the elves say that the dwarves stole a great treasure that belonged to them. The scene in the film adaptation by Peter Jackson describes it that “As the great wealth of the dwarves grew, their store of good will ran thin.” He requested a personal visit with Thranduil, who has long been a great and mighty king in Mirkwood, the eleven realm, and demanded that he pay tribute to the dwarves in recognition of their greatness. Thror decided that all races must pay homage to him and his kin, and he put this lust for gold above his alliances, his friendships, and indeed his own honor. RELATED: Why Did Gandalf Choose Bilbo For The Quest, Despite Thorin Being So Against It? This is similar to the previous dwarven settlement in Moria, which the Fellowship find to have been deserted and overrun by orcs and a Balrog, many years later. As is often the case with Dwarves, he became greedy, and a dragon sickness came upon him that made his miners dig too deep. Thror, who was Thorin Oakenshield’s grandfather, took the Arkenstone when it was discovered deep in the mines, to mean that he was King under the Mountain, and that his rule was ordained by the higher powers of the world. The most well-known of these treasures is, of course, the Arkenstone. There are many beautiful treasures featured in The Hobbit films, under the belly of Smaug the Dragon who has claimed his hoard, and protects it greedily under the Lonely Mountain, where the dwarven kingdom of Erebor once lay.

Thror king under the mountain